Us reproduïm un interessant intercanvi de correus entre el nostre company Enric i el seu amic irlandès, Charlie. A la foto veiem l’Enric lluint la bandera irlandesa en una recent manifestació a Barcelona.
Enviat el: dilluns, 13 de maig de 2013 23:31
Per a: enric
Assumpte: Re: de l’enric
Trenbane 07
Dear Charlie:Yesterday I was in a independentist’s concentration in Sant Jaume square in Barcelona.
I wore with proud the Irish flag you gave me as a present. Many people asked me what was the mining as if they didn’t know the Irish history.

An Irish’s couple, visiting BCN, asked me too. They were from North Ireland, and didn’t understood why a Catalan man was wearing an Irish’s flag.I told them an explanation.At least the man knows the Catalan-Spanish situation. Good people.Other Germany couple asked Mª Angels about your flag in a independentist’s Catalan concentration.Yesterday, I felt important and lived the moment with proud of you and your country.Your Irish’s flag has been a wonderful present. Thank you very much.A big hug.Enric
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>>Paraules d’en Charlie, un amic irlandès