Us presento una carta que em va remetre ahir un amic irlandès, molt favorable a la causa catalana.

Thank you my dear friend – I must tell you that my mind this weekend is consumed and full of thoughts and good wishes for you and my Catalan friends and many thousands of Catalans that I do not know but I deeply feel a great bond and affection with and also for your country that has given me and my family so much within these short years.
I have just returned from Donegal were we had the Free Catalan flag flying from the chimney of the house and many cars sounded their horns as they passed – I was very, very pleased. In Carndonagh as in Derry there are strong feeling about your situation. I have not stopped talking to people in last week and made them aware that the election day was today Sunday and that they should watch events closely.
Today the Irish, British, Middle East and European TV Channels along with Americans channels are all covering the election extensively and the comments and understanding of the issues are being delivered satisfactorily for me. The Spanish Government are not being portrayed very well and are being seen as bullies and telling untruths about Catalunya. Many are saying that the campaign for independence is unstoppable and are giving economic statistics that must be an embarrassment to Madrid. Your campaign has been very successful when it is being covered so much across the world – well done to all Catalans. I am sure you are very tied at this moment but please enjoy as history is being made that is for sure.
Talk soon
Charlie i Kathleen
(Proud Irish Catalans)xx