En Charlie, amic del nostre company Enric, ens envia informació i ens mostra l’estelada que tenen hissada.
On our TV channels all today and yesterday they are showing th”V” protest in BCN with excellent footage and good commentary that Spain as opposed to GB are ignoring democratic rights of the people whilst Cameron and Britain are both acting appropriately. You would be very pleased of the time given to the Catalan situation. Even today (Sunday) the large “Estelada” is still flying from Free Derry Wall. I am very pleased. Charlie
el nostres Canals de TV (irlandesos), durant tot el dia i també ahir,
estan mostrant la “V” de BCN, amb excel.lent cobertura i bons comentaris
dient que Espanya, a diferència de GB, està ignorant els drets
democràtics de la gent tot i que Cameron i Britain estan actuant