Ampli ressò de la signatura del decret de la consulta del 9N. Les principals televisions i diaris de tot el món ja tenen la notícia publicada i en molts casos és la primera de la seva portada.VilaWeb ens ofereix un completíssim resum dels articles publicats fins ara.
Catalan leader signs decree for independence referendum – Independent.ie
The president of Spain’s Catalonia region signed a decree on Saturday calling for a referendum on independence to be held on on Nov. 9, putting the local government on a collision course with Madrid, which says such a vote is illegal. -
Catalonia signs referendum decree
Pro-independence supporters gather outside head office of the government of Catalonia after Catalonian president Artur Mas signed a decree calling for a referendum on November 9Photograph: AP The wealthy northeastern region, which accounts for about one-fifth of Spain’s economy, has its own language and distinct culture and has long fought for self-rule. -
THE NATION (Pakistan)
Artur Mas: Catalan helmsman on voyage for independence
Daniel BOSQUEA great lover of the sea, Catalonia’s president Artur Mas is riding a wave of pro-independence feeling in the region, where nationalists want to break away from Spain.The storm of separatist sentiment has transformed the 58-year-old economist from a moderate nationalist into the unlikely helmsman on Catalonia’s voyage for statehood.His critics elsewhere in Spain have accused him of flirting with sedition and even the left-wing parties with whom he is allied in the Catalan parliament have voiced mistrust of him. -
Референдум о независимости Каталонии назначен на 9 ноября
Глава Каталонии Артур Мас cегодня подписал указ о проведении референдума о независимости от Испании. Голосование намечено на 9 ноября. Участвовать в опросе смогут жители автономии старше 16 лет. Тысячи человек собрались перед зданием правительства в Барселоне, чтобы выразить свою поддержку этому решению. -
Catalan leader orders referendum on independence from Spain, buoyed by close vote in Scotland
The president of Spain’s Catalonia region signed a decree on Saturday calling for a referendum on independence to be held on Nov. 9, putting the local government on a collision course with Madrid, which says such a vote is illegal. -
¿Quiere que Cataluña sea un Estado?¿Quiere que sea un Estado independiente?
El presidente del gobierno catalán, Artur Mas, firmó hoy un decreto para autorizar la aplicación de la ley de consultas sobre la convocatoria de un referendo soberanista el próximo 9 de noviembre. Acompañado del aplauso de diputados del parlamento autónomo y dirigentes de partidos que apoyan la independencia de Cataluña, Mas rubricó el texto en una ceremonia en el Palau de la Generalitat, reporta Prensa Latina(PL). -
Convoca Cataluña a consulta independentista desoyendo a Madrid
Barcelona. El presidente de Cataluña, el nacionalista Artur Mas, convocó oficialmente este sábado la consulta sobre la independencia de esta rica región de España para el 9 de noviembre, desafiando al gobierno español que inició los trámites para impedirla. -
Cataluña convoca a consulta soberanista a pesar de oposición de Gobierno español
Sábado, 27 de Setiembre 2014 | 8:28 am El presidente del Gobierno catalán, Artur Mas, convocó este sábado una consulta para el 9 de noviembre para que los ciudadanos decidan sobre la soberanía en esta región, iniciativa que el Gobierno español recurrirá ante el Tribunal Constitucional al considerar que no se ajusta a la ley. -
Formaliza Cataluña convocatoria a consulta independentista
El presidente del Gobierno catalán, Artur Mas, convocó hoy una consulta para el 9 de noviembre para que los ciudadanos decidan sobre la soberanía en esta región, iniciativa que el Gobierno español recurrirá ante el Tribunal Constitucional al considerar que no se ajusta a la ley. -
CLARÍN (Argentina)
Cataluña convocó oficalmente al referéndum independentista: será el 9 de noviembre
En un día histórico para Cataluña, el presidente de la Generalitat (gobierno) convocó al anunciado referéndum soberanista para el próximo 9 de noviembre y proclamó que “Cataluña quiere hablar”. -
O GOBLO (Brasil)
Catalunha assina decreto que prevê plebiscito sobre independência
O presidente da comunidade autônoma da Catalunha, Artur Mas, assinou neste sábado o decreto que estabelece a consulta sobre autodeterminação soberana – um plebiscito sobre a independência catalã -, no dia 9 de novembro. A cerimônia no Palau de la Generalitat, em Barcelona, foi acompanhada com atenção pelos moradores da província espanhola separatista. -
PUBLICO (Portugal)
Catalunha marca referendo sobre a independência para 9 de Novembro e todas as atenções voltam-se para Rajoy
O presidente do governo da Catalunha assinou na manhã deste sábado o decreto que convoca o referendo popular sobre a independência daquela região espanhola para o dia 9 de Novembro. -
Catalonia’s Mas Challenges Rajoy as Vote Set for Nov. 9
Catalonia President Artur Mas called a non-binding vote on whether the region should split from Spain in defiance of national Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. The Spanish government said it will seek to block the move. Mas signed the decree scheduling the referendum at a televised ceremony in Barcelona today using powers granted by the Catalan Parliament on Sept. -
Catalonia declares referendum on independence from Spain for 9 November
Catalan President Artur Mas signed the decree in a ceremony at the regional government’s headquarters in the city of Barcelona today. Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is expected to chair an emergency cabinet meeting in Madrid on Monday to discuss a blocking of the vote via Spain’s Constitutional Court. -
Catalonia Calls Secession Vote
Posted: BARCELONA, Spain (AP) – The president of Spain’s powerful northeastern region of Catalonia on Saturday formally called an independence referendum, the latest secession push in Europe and one of the most serious challenges to the Spanish state in recent years. -
Spain’s Catalonia region calls independence referendum
The head of Spain’s northeastern autonomous community of Catalonia, Artur Mas, on Saturday signed a decree calling an independence referendum for Nov. 9, although the national government in Madrid vowed to challenge the planned vote before the Constitutional Court. The nationalist CiU coalition, which governs Catalonia, had promised during regional elections in 2012 to formally call an independence referendum. -
La Catalogne convoque un référendum sur l’indépendance, refus de Madrid – Monde – MYTF1News
Valérie Trierweiler a été évacuée, samedi après-midi, par des policiers dans le nord de Paris. L’ex-compagne de François Hollande a été victime d’un attroupement “de curiosité” autour d’elle, a-t-on appris de source policière. -
Catalan leader signs decree for independence referendum – Telegraph
Mr Rajoy is expected to hold an emergency cabinet meeting within days on the issue. The Spanish government plans to challenge a recently-passed Catalan law permitting the independence referendum before the Constitutional Court, which it hopes will suspend it and halt the vote. -
TV NET (Letònia)
Katalonijas līderis izsludina referendumu par neatkarību no Spānijas
Katalonijas prezidents Artūrs Mass sestdien izsludinājis 9.novembrī referendumu par Katalonijas neatkarību no Spānijas, ignorējot Madrides pretestību viņa plāniem. Spānijas valdība bija iepriekš paziņojusi, ka bloķēs referendumu, pret to vēršoties konstitucionālajā tiesā, un sestdien pavēstīja, ka referendumu nepieļaus. Neviens “nav augstāks par visu spāņu nacionālo gribu”, preses konferencē paziņoja Spānijas premjerministra vietniece Soraja Saensa de Santamarija. -
Catalonian leader orders referendum on independence from Spain
The president of Spain’s Catalonia region signed a decree on Saturday calling for a referendum on independence to be held on on Nov. 9, putting the local government on a collision course with Madrid, which says such a vote is illegal. -
CLARÍN (Argentina)
Cataluña convocó oficalmente al referéndum independentista: será el 9 de noviembre
En un día histórico para Cataluña, el presidente de la Generalitat (gobierno) convocó al anunciado referéndum soberanista para el próximo 9 de noviembre y proclamó que “Cataluña quiere hablar”. -
Catalogne: le président Mas convoque un référendum sur l’indépendance, défiant Madrid
Barcelone ( AFP) – Le président catalan Artur Mas a convoqué samedi pour le 9 novembre un référendum sur l’indépendance de cette riche région de l’Espagne, défiant ouvertement le gouvernement de Madrid qui veut empêcher cette consultation. Le gouvernement espagnol a prévu de se réunir lundi pour faire appel au Tribunal constitutionnel contre ce scrutin qui, selon, lui viole la constitution. -
La Catalogne annonce la tenue d’un référendum sur l’indépendance | ICI.Radio-Canada.ca
Le président du gouvernement catalan Artur Mas signe un décret prévoyant la tenue d’un référendum sur l’indépendance le 9 novembre. Le président du gouvernement catalan, Artur Mas, a signé samedi un décret prévoyant la tenue d’un référendum sur l’indépendance le 9 novembre prochain. Le gouvernement espagnol a fait savoir qu’il allait s’opposer à cette initiative. -
RTE (Televisió pública irlandesa)
Catalan leader calls independence referendum
Saturday 27 September 2014 09.56 The president of Spain’s Catalonia region, Artur Mas, has signed a decree calling an independence referendum on 9 November, a vote the central government has said would violate the constitution and has promised to block. A long-standing pro-independence movement in the north-eastern region has gathered momentum during recent years of economic hardship. -
Katalonien: Referendum in Katalonien “unaufhaltbar”
In der katalanischen Hauptstadt Barcelona wollen hunderttausende für die Unabhängigkeit von Spanien demonstrieren. Der katalanische Regionalpräsident Artur Mas hält ein Referendum über die Unabhängigkeit für “unaufhaltbar”. “Wenn die katalanische Bevölkerung über ihre Zukunft abstimmen will, ist es praktisch unmöglich, das für immer zu verhindern”, sagte der katalonische Regionalpräsident Artur Mas in einem Interview mit der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. -
Catalonia signs decree for independence vote
The president of Spain’s Catalonia region, Artur Mas, has signed a decree calling an independence referendum on November 9, a vote the central government has said would violate the constitution and has vowed to block. The decree, signed on Saturday, comes as the long-standing pro-independence movement in the north-eastern region continues to gather momentum in the face of recent years of economic hardship. -
Catalonia defies Spanish government and makes independence vote official
Image: AP Photo/Manu Fernandez CATALONIA’S PRESIDENT HAS formally called a referendum to decide whether Spain’s richest region should be independent, defying Madrid which has vowed to block the move. The Spanish government has said it will appeal to the Constitutional Court which is expected to annul the decree signed by Catalan leader Artur Mas. -
ABC NEWS (Austràlia)
Catalonia defies Madrid to call independence vote
Posted September 27, 2014 21:09:42 Catalonia’s president has formally called a referendum to decide whether Spain’s richest region should be independent, defying Madrid which has vowed to block the move. The Spanish government has said it will appeal to the Constitutional Court which is expected to annul the decree signed by Catalan leader Artur Mas. -
Catalonia president calls referendum on independence from Spain
The president of Spain’s Catalonia region, Artur Mas, signed a decree on Saturday calling an independence referendum on Nov. 9, a vote the central government has said would violate the constitution and has promised to block. A long-standing pro-independence movement in the north-eastern region has gathered momentum during recent years of economic hardship. -
O POVO (Brasil)
Líder da Catalunha assina decreto que convoca plebiscito
O líder regional da Catalunha, Artur Mas, assinou neste sábado um decreto que convoca um plebiscito sobre a independência local para 9 de novembro. “A Catalunha quer falar, quer ser ouvida, quer votar”, disse Mas, em declarações feitas após a assinatura. -
Catalaanse president tekent besluit voor referendum op 9 november
Redactie − 27/09/14, 10:52 De Catalaanse president heeft vandaag het decreet getekend dat een referendum over onafhankelijkheid voor de Spaanse regio mogelijk moet maken. Een week geleden nam het Catalaanse regioparlement een wet aan die bedoeld is om op 9 november aanstaande een ‘consulterende’ volksraadpleging te houden over de afscheiding van een eigen staat. -
NOS (Televisió neerlandesa)
Catalonië wil naar de stembus
zaterdag 27 sep 2014, 12:07 (Update: 27-09-14, 12:44) ” De Catalaanse leider Artur Mas heeft een decreet ondertekend waarmee hij toestemming heeft gegeven voor het houden van een regionaal referendum over onafhankelijkheid van Spanje. Op 9 november kunnen de Catalanen zich uitspreken. -
HLN (Bèlgica)
Catalonië wil op 9 november referendum over onafhankelijkheid
27/09/14 – 11u21 Bron: ANP De autonome regio Catalonië wil met een referendum peilen of de bevolking wil dat het gebied onafhankelijk van Spanje wordt. President Artur Mas van Catalonië heeft vandaag een decreet getekend waarin staat dat het referendum op 9 november moet plaatshebben. -
Catalaans referendum blijft op schema
De Catalaanse president Artur Mas heeft zaterdag een decreet ondertekend waarmee de datum voor het referendum over de Catalaanse onafhankelijkheid op 9 november gezet wordt. Daarmee gaat hij in tegen Madrid, dat die volksraadpleging nog altijd probeert tegen te houden. De Spaanse regering zit maandag samen voor overleg, om bij het Grondwettelijk Hof in beroep te gaan tegen het referendum. -
Referendum im November: Katalanen wollen bald über ihre Unabhängigkeit abstimmen
dpa Artur Mas, der Präsident Kataloniens, will die Region von Spanien lösen Die Katalanen sollen am 9. November über die Unabhängigkeit der Region von Spanien abstimmen. Ein entsprechendes Dekret unterzeichnete der Präsident Kataloniens, Artur Mas, am Samstag. Die Zentralregierung in Madrid wertet die Volksabstimmung allerdings als Verstoß gegen die Verfassung und will sie blockieren.
Katalanen wollen schon im November abstimmen
Foto: Getty Images Die Katalanen sollen am 9. November über die Unabhängigkeit der Region von Spanien abstimmen. Ein entsprechendes Dekret unterzeichnete der Präsident Kataloniens, Artur Mas, am Samstag. Die Zentralregierung in Madrid wertet die Volksabstimmung allerdings als Verstoß gegen die Verfassung. In den vergangenen Jahren hat die Unabhängigkeitsbewegung in dem im Nordosten Spaniens gelegenen Gebiet an Schwung gewonnen. -
Catalonia calls vote on independence from Spain
The president of Spain’s Catalonia region signed a decree on Saturday calling an independence referendum on Nov. 9, putting him on a collision course with the central government which says such a vote is illegal. The wealthy north-eastern region, which accounts for around a fifth of Spain’s economy, has its own language and distinct culture and has long fought for self-rule.
Catalonia leader calls referendum on independence from Spain
The president of Spain’s north-eastern region of Catalonia has called an independence referendum in the latest secession push in Europe, and one of the most serious challenges to the state government in recent years. The conservative Madrid -administration insists the referendum, planned for 9 November, is illegal and will not take place. -
24 HEURES (Suïssa)
La Catalogne lance son référendum pour l’indépendance
Territoire Le président du gouvernement catalan a signé le décret pour un scrutin prévu le 9 novembre. Il défie ainsi Madrid, hostile à cette démarche et qui va faire recours. Articles en relation Signaler une erreur Vous avez vu une erreur? Merci de nous en informer. -
La catalogne défie Madrid – France Inter
Le président catalan Artur Mas a annoncé samedi la tenue d’un référendum sur l’indépendance de la région le 9 novembre, défiant le gouvernement de Madrid qui veut empêcher cette consultation. Les indépendantistes catalans ont organisé ces derniers mois d’énormes manifestations pour réclamer la tenue d’un référendum sur le modèle de celui qui a eu lieu le 18 septembre en Ecosse. -
Espagne: la Catalogne défie Madrid avec un référendum sur l’indépendance
Malgré son échec, le référendum sur l’indépendance de l’Ecosse a fait des envieux. Ainsi, en Espagne, le président de la riche région de Catalogne, Artur Mas, a défié Madrid ce samedi en convoquant pour le 9 novembre un référendum. “Nous voulons voter”, a-t-il déclaré après la signature solennelle du décret au palais de la Generalitat, le gouvernement catalan. -
Catalogne: le président Mas convoque un référendum sur l’indépendance, défiant Madrid
Le président catalan Artur Mas a convoqué samedi pour le 9 novembre un référendum sur l’indépendance de cette riche région de l’Espagne, défiant ouvertement le gouvernement de Madrid qui veut empêcher cette consultation. Le gouvernement espagnol a prévu de se réunir lundi pour faire appel au Tribunal constitutionnel contre ce scrutin qui, selon, lui viole la constitution. -
YLE. (Televisió pública finlandesa en suec)
Folkomröstning om självständighet utlyst i Katalonien
Den katalanske regionpresidenten Artur Mas har nu utlyst en folkomröstning om självständighet. Madrid väntas göra allt för att stoppa omröstningen. Presidenten i regionen Katalonien i Spanien, Artur Mas, undertecknade på lördagen ett dekret som innebär att det ska hållas en folkomröstning om självständighet den 9 november. -
TV2 (Noruega)
DE VOLKSKRANT (Països Baixos)
Catalaanse president tekent besluit voor referendum op 9 november
Redactie − 27/09/14, 10:52 De Catalaanse president heeft vandaag het decreet getekend dat een referendum over onafhankelijkheid voor de Spaanse regio mogelijk moet maken. Een week geleden nam het Catalaanse regioparlement een wet aan die bedoeld is om op 9 november aanstaande een ‘consulterende’ volksraadpleging te houden over de afscheiding van een eigen staat. -
LE SOIR (Brussel·les)
Le président catalan convoque un référendum sur l’indépendance
Le président catalan Artur Mas a convoqué samedi pour le 9 novembre un référendum sur l’indépendance de cette riche région de l’Espagne, défiant le gouvernement de Madrid qui veut empêcher cette consultation. Le gouvernement espagnol a prévu de se réunir lundi pour faire appel au Tribunal constitutionnel contre cette consultation qui selon lui viole la Constitution. -
Convocado referendo à independência da Catalunha
A Catalunha está quase pronta para decidir, a 9 de Novembro, se quer ou não a independência. O decreto que convoca o referendo popular foi assinado este sábado, pelo presidente do governo regional. Artur Mas assinou o documento esta manhã, numa cerimónia oficial no Palau de la Generalitat, sede do governo regional. -
Presidente da Catalunha formaliza convocatória do referendo independentista – JN
foto ALBERTO ESTEVEZ/EPA Artur Mas assinou o decreto no palácio do Governo regional em Barcelona, na presença dos restantes elementos do Executivo catalão e da presidente do Parlamento daquela região espanhola, Nuria de Gispert. O decreto será agora publicado no diário oficial da Catalunha da Lei das Consultas, aprovada pelo Parlamento regional na sexta-feira. -
Catalonia’s Mas Challenges Rajoy as Vote Set for Nov. 9Bloomberg News Catalonia President Artur Mas called a non-binding vote on whether the region should split from Spain in defiance of national Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy. Mas signed the decree scheduling the vote at a televised ceremony in Barcelona today using powers granted by the Catalan Parliament on Sept. 19.
Catalan President Artur Mas signs decree authorising independence referendum
The President of Catalonia, Artur Mas, has signed a decree paving the say for a referendum on November 9 on independence from Spain. The signing took place at the regional government headquarters in Barcelona. It followed the approval of the move by the Catalan parliament last week, granting the president power to call a non-binding ‘consultation’ on independence.
Katalonien stimmt am 9. November über Unabhängigkeit abMadrid/Barcelona – Der Regionalpräsident der spanischen Region Katalonien, Artur Mas, hat am Samstag ein Dekret unterzeichnet, mit dem er eine Volksabstimmung über die Unabhängigkeit Kataloniens für den 9. November angesetzt hat. Die spanische Zentralregierung in Madrid hat angekündigt, dass sie das Vorgehen als illegal betrachtet und dagegen einschreiten will.
ORF (Televisió pública d’Àustria)
Katalonien setzt Referendum für Abspaltung an – news.ORF.atGegen den Willen Madrids hat der katalanische Regionalpräsident Artur Mas heute eine Volksabstimmung über die Unabhängigkeit Kataloniens von Spanien angesetzt. Er unterzeichnete ein Dekret, das den 9. November als Termi…
Abspaltung von Spanien: Katalonien plant Referendum für Anfang November – SPIEGEL ONLINE
Barcelona – Katalonien wird am 9. November über seine Unabhängigkeit von Spanien abstimmen. Der Präsident der Region, Artur Mas, unterzeichnete ein entsprechendes Dekret, das ein Referendum für diesen Tag anordnete. Das Referendum wäre bereits die zweite Abstimmung über die Sezession eines Landesteils von einem EU-Staat in diesem Jahr. Am 18. -
Europe – La Catalogne défie Madrid et convoque un référendum sur l’indépendance
Texte par FRANCE 24 Suivre france24_fr sur twitter Dernière modification : 27/09/2014 >> À lire sur France 24 : “après le ‘non’ de l’Écosse, la Catalogne prépare son propre référendum” Le bras de fer continue entre Barcelone et Madrid. Le président catalan Artur Mas a convoqué, samedi 27 septembre, un référendum sur l’indépendance de sa région. -
La Catalogne lance son référendum pour l’indépendance
Territoire Le président du gouvernement catalan a signé le décret pour un scrutin prévu le 9 novembre. Il défie ainsi Madrid, hostile à cette démarche et qui va faire recours. Articles en relation Partager & Commenter Le président du gouvernement catalan Artur Mas a signé ce samedi 27 septembre un décret prévoyant la tenue d’un référendum d’autodétermination le 9 novembre. -
Catalogne. Le président catalan convoque un référendum sur l’indépendance
La convocation de ce référendum pour l’indépendance de la région prend la forme d’un défi lancé au gouvernement de Madrid, qui veut empêcher cette consultation. Le gouvernement espagnol a prévu de se réunir lundi pour faire appel au Tribunal constitutionnel contre cette consultation qui selon lui viole la Constitution. -
La Catalogna sfida Madrid: si al referendum il 9 novembre
Barcellona Dopo l’annuncio di ieri, Il presidente della regione autonoma Artur Mas, questa mattina – alla presenza dei rappresentanti del Parlamento della Catalogna e dei partiti politici che appoggiano il voto – ha firmato il decreto che fissa il referendum per l’indipendenza dalla Spagna per il 9 novembre. -
La Catalogna sfida Madrid: sì al referendum per l’indipendenza dalla Spagna
Storia dell’articolo Questo articolo è stato pubblicato il 27 settembre 2014 alle ore 10:46.L’ultima modifica è del 27 settembre 2014 alle ore 10:51. Il presidente della Catalogna Artur Mas ha firmato il decreto per indire un referendum sull’indipendenza dalla Spagna il 9 novembre prossimo. -
La sfida della Catalogna a Madrid: “Il 9 novembre referendum su indipendenza”
BARCELLONA – Il presidente della Catalogna Artur Mas ha convocato per il 9 novembre il referendum sull’indipendenza, nonostante l’opposizione del governo di Madrid che si riunirà lunedì per fare appello alla Corte costituzionale. L’appello sospenderà automaticamente la convocazione di Mas. -
Catalan leader sets date for vote on independence from Spain despite opposition
(CNN) — The president of Spain’s Catalonia region, Artur Mas, signed a decree on Saturday setting November 9 as the date for a referendum on independence. However, the federal government in Madrid is staunchly opposed to any such referendum and says it is unconstitutional, setting the stage for legal and political confrontation and potential civil disobedience. -
Catalonia leader calls referendum on independence from Spain
BARCELONA Spain (Reuters) – The president of Spain’s Catalonia region signed a decree on Saturday calling an independence referendum on Nov. 9, putting him on a collision course with the central government which says such a vote is illegal. -
RIA-NOVOSTI (principal agència de notícies russa)
Глава Каталонии подписал указ о проведении референдума о независимости
МАДРИД, 27 сен – РИА Новости. Глава Каталония Артур Мас в субботу подписал указ о проведении референдума о независимости от Испании 9 ноября, передает Publico.es. Парламент Каталонии 19 сентября принял закон о референдумах, который позволит, по мнению местных властей, проводить общенародные опросы без официального согласия Мадрида. -
Katalonien setzt Referendum an | Aktuell Europa | DW.DE | 27.09.2014
Anfang September haben hunderttausende Katalanen den Nationalfeiertag “La Diada” genutzt, um für die Loslösung von Spanien zu demonstrieren. Jetzt hat der katalanische Regionalpräsident Artur Mas (Foto) nachgezogen und für den 9. November eine Volksabstimmung angesetzt. Darin sollen die Bürger der “autonomen Gemeinschaft” im Nordosten Spaniens darüber abstimmen, ob ihre Region einen eigenen Staat bilden und ob dieser Staat unabhängig sein soll. -
Defiant Catalonia calls referendum – Independent.ie
The president of Spain’s powerful north-eastern region of Catalonia has formally called an independence referendum, the latest secession push in Europe and one of the most serious challenges to the Spanish state of recent years. The Spanish government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy insists the referendum, planned for November 9, is illegal and will not take place. -
Catalonia to vote on independence | The Times
The Catalan nationalist leader will today sign the order for a non-binding referendum on independence in defiance of the Spanish government which has branded the vote illegal. Inspired by the Scottish referendum earlier this month, Artur Mas, the regional Prime Minister, is expected to sign a decree to bring into force a law passed in region’s parliament which allows a “consultation” on breaking away from Spain on November 9. -
Catalonia president orders independence referendum on Nov. 9
The president of Catalonia, Artur Mas, has signed a decree calling an independence referendum for Nov. 9. The secessionist drive of the Spanish region has been rebuked by Madrid, which vowed to block the vote. -
Galdeketara deitzeko dekretua sinatu du Masek
Artur Mas Generalitateko presidenteak sinatu du katalanak herri kontsultara deitzeko dekretua, 10:30ak pasatxoan. Aurretik, 129/2014 dekretuaren artikulu nagusiak irakurri ditu Jordi Baiget Generalitateko idazkariak. Ekitaldia hasterako kontsulta legea argitaratua zegoen Kataluniako Aldizkari Ofizialean. “Betiko” gogoratuko duten eguna da gaurkoa. “Kataluniak bozkatu egin nahi du”. Hala mintzatu da Mas galdeketarako deitzeko dekretua sinatu ondoren. -
Catalonia Defies Spain by Calling Secession Vote
The president of Spain’s powerful northeastern region of Catalonia has formally called an independence referendum in the latest secession push in Europe and one of the most serious challenges to the Spanish state of recent years. The conservative Spanish government insists the referendum, planned for Nov. 9, is illegal and won’t take place. -
Catalonia leader decrees referendum
The president of the Spanish region of Catalonia has signed a decree calling for a referendum on independence. Artur Mas wants Catalonia to hold a Scottish-style vote on 9 November, but does not have the backing of the central government in Madrid. Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy has said he will block any referendum. -
Catalonia challenges Spain with independence vote
The president of Spain’s Catalonia region mounted a serious challenge to the Spanish state early Saturday when he signed a decree calling for a referendum on independence. Catalan President Artur Mas wants to hold the vote on Nov. 9. -
Catalan President Artur Mas signs decree authorising independence referendum
The President of Catalonia, Artur Mas, has signed a decree paving the say for a referendum on November 9 on independence from Spain. The signing took place at the regional government headquarters in Barcelona. It followed the approval of the move by the Catalan parliament last week, granting the president power to call a non-binding ‘consultation’ on independence. -
Catalan Leader Signs Decree for Independence Referendum
MADRID-Catalonia’s regional leader on Saturday signed a decree convoking a nonbinding referendum on independence for Nov. 9, pitting the wealthy industrial region in a high-stakes showdown with Spain’s central government. The move by regional President Artur Mas, who signed the decree flanked by pro-independence politicians in the government palace in Barcelona, ushers in a period of days or weeks of political uncertainty in a… -
Mas firma el decreto de convocatoria de la consulta del 9 de noviembre
El presidente de la Generalitat, Artur Mas, ha firmado esta mañana el decreto de convocatoria de la consulta de autodeterminación de Cataluña previsto para el 9 de noviembre. El acto de la firma se ha celebrado en el Palau de la Generalitat en presencia de representantes del Parlamento de Cataluña y de los grupos políticos que apoyan la votación. -
Artur Mas ha firmado el decreto de la convocatoria secesionista
Medio millar de personas gritan “independencia” y “votaremos” ante el Palacio de la Generalitat El presidente catalán, Artur Mas, ha firmado el decreto de convocatoria de la consulta del 9 de noviembre en un acto solemne celebrado en el Salón Virgen de Montserrat del Palacio de la Generalitat, en presencia de los miembros de su Gobierno y de responsables políticos, institucionales y de la sociedad civil. -
Artur Mas se reafirma hoy en su desafío soberanista y convoca la consulta del próximo 9-N
El presidente de la Generalitat, Artur Mas, firmará esta mañana el decreto de convocatoria de la consulta soberanista del 9 de noviembre en un acto institucional en el Palau de la Generalitat. Estará presente la presidenta del Parlament, Núria de Gispert, la Mesa de la Cámara y otras autoridades. -
Catalan leader calls for independence referendum, defying Madrid – The Economic Times
BARCELONA: The president of Catalonia on Saturday called a referendum for November 9 on whether the region should be independent from Spain, defying Madrid’s attempts to block the move. The Spanish government has said it will block the ballot planned by Artur Mas by appealing to the Constitutional Court. -
Ampli ressò de la signatura del decret de la consulta del 9N. Les principals televisions i diaris de tot el món ja tenen la notícia publicada i en molts casos és la primera de la seva portada.VilaWeb ens ofereix un completíssim resum dels articles publicats fins ara.
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